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Protege Marvel Comics


Name: Protege

Origin: Marvel Comics

Gender: Male

Classification: Artifical Human

Age: 12 years old (Immortal)

Lifting Strength: Human level (No Powers) | Unlimited (Mimicked the powers of The Living Tribunal, Earth-691 Eternity, and Earth-691 Beyonder)

Striking Strength: Wall level to Multi-Wall level (No Powers) | Large Building to Mountain level (Mimicry of the Powers of the Earth-691 Guardians of the Galaxy) | Universe level (Can grow bigger than M-Body Earth-691 Eternity) | Multi-Universe level (Mimicked the both Earth-691 Beyonder+Earth-691 Eternity) | Highly Possibly Multiverse level (Mimicked half of The Living Tribunal's power.)

Speed: Peak Human level (No Powers) | Massive Faster than Light level (Copied the abilities of Earth-691 Beyonder) | Nigh-Omnipresent (Copied both the powers/abilities of The Living Tribunal and Earth-691 Eternity)

Reaction Speed: Human level (No Powers) | Superhuman Human level (Mimicry of the Powers of the Earth-691 Guardians of the Galaxy) | Incomprehensible (Absorbing various cosmic beings powers.)

Striking Speed: Human level (No Powers) | Peak Human level (Mimicry of the Powers of the Earth-691 Guardians of the Galaxy) | Incomprehensible (Absorbing various cosmic beings powers.)

Durability: Peak Human level (No Powers/Original Base) | Superhuman level (Mimicry of the Powers of the Earth-691 Guardians of the Galaxy) | Unintelligible (Copying the various cosmic beings powers.)

Intelligence: Above Average level (Pre-Living Tribunal Power Mimicry) | Nigh-Omniscient (Copied both the powers/abilities of The Living Tribunal and Earth-691 Eternity) | Likely Unintelligible

Destructive Capacity: Human level (Base) | Wall+ level (Effort) | Large Building to Mountain level (Mimicry of the Powers of the Earth-691 Guardians of the Galaxy) | Universe level (Mimicry of Earth-691 Beyonder power) | Multi-Universe level (Combined powers of Earth-691 Eternity+Earth-691 Beyonder) | Multiverse level (Mimic half the powers of The Living Tribunal powers) | Likely Multi-Multiverse level (If he would have been able to usurp The Living Tribunal power.)

Range: Universe level (Power/Range when copying Earth-691 Beyonder/Earth-691 Eternity power) | Multiverse level (Power/Range: Mimicked half of The Living Tribunal's power.)

Stamina: Superhuman level (Base), | Unlimited Stamina level (Absorbing various cosmic beings powers.)


  • Protege before being able to mimic unseen thoughts was incapable of copying powers from Machinery or from Unseen spaces/realms or from artifacts. (Note: This is Pre-Cosmic Power Protege.)
  • If Protege is blind he can't mimic the powers of beings that he is trying to copy from. (Note: This is Pre-Cosmic Power Protege)
  • Even when being beaten by Scathan the Approver his power is absolutely unknown and is seen as a complete Outlier/Plot Induce Stupidity.
  • Protege is not above Omnipotent beings such as The-One-Above-All, Pre-Retcon Beyonder, and The Beyonders.

Powers and Abilities:[]

Omni-Mimicry: Sight/Power Mimicry, Near-Omnipotence, Reality Warping, Universe Manipulation, Space Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Molecule Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Omni-Directional Blast, Energy Projection, Galaxy Manipulation, Solar System Manipulation, Cosmic Awareness, Force Field Generator, Precognition, Retrocognition, Nigh-Omnipresence, Nigh-Omniscience, Immortality, Ageless, Regeneration (High Tier), Size Manipulation, Shapeshifting, Fire Manipulation, Force Push
